Dear Mom,
Because of you it only takes that one word to hit me hard. Cancer. It stops the blood running through my ...
What is cancer?
According to Webster’s dictionary, it’s “a malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that ...
“No, I don’t want to die!” I yelled as I jumped off the hospital bed. I vividly remember that moment on November ...
Dear Christopher,
I know you will never be able to hold this in your hands and read it. I know you will never have ...
“Guys, come in here! Your mom and I need to share something with you.” That cry of my Dad is now just a faint ...
Cancer. The one word that causes everyone to shudder. I never thought I would see anyone deal with such a ...
At the tender age of eleven, my life as I had known it was forever changed. At the precipice moving into a new ...