Many Ways to Make an Impact
Cancer Pathways couldn’t do what we do without the incredible and generous support of so many dedicated individuals, organizations, and companies. Today, we wanted to take a moment to highlight two of these stories:
Volunteer Story: Nathaniel
Nathaniel comes weekly to check in on our Seattle building. Located on the corner of Broadway and Union, the building is frequently tagged by graffiti, which, if not repainted, can lead to fines. Nathaniel has been instrumental this past year in helping us keep our clubhouse graffiti-free and looking good, donating a few hours of his time each week, rain or shine.
How did you first get connected with Cancer Pathways?
I’ve lived in Seattle since 2003. When I first moved to the area, I knew the building as Gilda’s Club Seattle.
I am in the area once a week, driving by on the bus, and I’d see the graffiti and get more and more irritated. It made me angry. You all are doing so much to help people with cancer, and this takes time and energy away from that. I said to myself: “Why don’t I reach out and see what they need – maybe they’ll need someone to help.”

We are so grateful for you! You’ve also helped us upgrade some of our painting supplies. How did you learn so much about painting?
My great grandfather was a painter by trade. He painted houses. Growing up in Louisiana–he had us all helping out. I’m remembering things about painting now, as I help. It’s all coming back to me!
What do you look for in an organization that you volunteer with?
I’m impressed with any group that wants to help–whether that’s with illness or finances or food. I guess I’d say the pandemic really opened my eyes, and I believe in giving back.
The time you offer to Cancer Pathways each week is such a gift – and not a small one at that. Why do you do it?
I know that there are others who have less than I do and I want to give back. Each organization I volunteer with is giving back to the community in its own way. I also retired and had more time. Instead of sitting around doing nothing, I wanted to get involved.
Donor Story: Jeff & Ekko
We loved hearing this story about Jeff and his husband Ekko, who made Cancer Pathways a part of their wedding celebration. In lieu of traditional gifts, guests were invited to make donations to two nonprofits important to the couple.

Jeff, how did you get connected to Cancer Pathways?
I watched my younger brother deal with cancer for the last 5 years. That’s had a huge impact on his and his wife’s lives – and on the rest of us in the family as well.
When Ekko and I decided to get married, we knew that, no matter what we said, people were going to want to get something for us. We didn’t really want them to buy us stuff, so we decided we were going to set up charitable donations. Ekko is from Thailand, so he picked a charity that helps young kids in Thailand. I wanted to do something cancer-related. I asked my sister-in-law, and she basically said that Cancer Pathways is completely amazing. They were just so grateful for all you’ve done for them with the support groups and everything else. It was a no-brainer to me with that sort of recommendation.
We are so glad that Cancer Pathways has been a support for your brother & sister-in-law. Thank you to you and Ekko for making Cancer Pathways a part of your celebration and this tribute.
I could have searched cancer organizations and picked one – and that would have been fine – but the fact that it was one that my brother has been able to use and one that has helped him through his journey made it all the more meaningful to me. There are a lot of cancer organizations that you can support, and they’re probably all worth supporting, but that recommendation was all I needed to hear. Just knowing how much Cancer Pathways has done for them, it was a pretty easy decision to make it the organization that we had our guests give to.
Can you tell us a little bit about your & Ekko’s story?
We’ve been together for 12 years. We are both tennis players and met, about 20 years ago, playing in a tennis tournament. About 8 years later, in 2012, we were reintroduced, and we’ve been together ever since.
It’s pretty special to make two nonprofits the beneficiaries of an important celebration in your lives like that. It speaks volumes about you both.
Well, we’re not in our 20’s anymore! It’s a little bit of a different time of life. We don’t need stuff at this point.
What qualities do you look for in an organization before you make a gift?
I look for organizations that are meaningful to me or meaningful to people close to me. Cancer is a pretty significantly negative part of our family history at this point. My brother’s not the only one in my family who has been impacted by cancer. My mom died a few years ago from it, my dad has leukemia currently, 2 of my 4 grandparents died of cancer. Anyone who knows me knows something about my brother and family, so I think it meant something to our guests as well to be able to make a gift like that.