In eighth grade, I walked down the halls of my middle school, desperate for answers, my heart pounding in my ...
My life had been consistently perfect up until October 5th 2017. That was the day when my life turned completely ...
A loss is something that everyone has to deal with at one point in time. For most, it's during their adulthood ...
I always wanted a little brother that I could watch over, love and protect, so I was thrilled when my parents ...
My life is a rollercoaster. I'm just sitting in the cart for this rickety old ride blindfolded, never knowing when ...
For most people my age they have not come face to face with death. Whether it be directly or indirectly, they have ...
It's hard for me to know where to start with my experience with cancer. I thought I could go on for pages but when ...
2015- 2016 started taking turns six years before. The journey began with the conversation that my mom and I had. I ...
The sliding glass doors open and out spews the glare of florescent lighting, along with the overpowering scent of ...
The word cancer, by itself is known to send shivers down peoples’ spines. Known to create mass panic, cost ...