Cancer Pathways hosted its signature Surviving with Style Fashion Show & Gala on October 19th. What an evening! It was a night that perfectly blended elegance, inspiration, and heartfelt community spirit. More than 500 people turned out to honor cancer survivors, applaud our founder, and raise funds to support our programs.
Honoring Anna Gottlieb
The night was nothing short of magical. It started with honoring the retirement of Anna Gottlieb, who founded Gilda’s Club Seattle, now Cancer Pathways, more than 30 years ago. For Anna, this marks the 27th year of Surviving with Style. There was much applause, standing ovations, and the announcement that the main conference room at the Clubhouse would be renamed The Anna Gottlieb Room, in her honor.
The Star Award
Longtime Cancer Pathways supporters, the Tazioli family, received the Star Award, which recognizes those who have made extraordinary contributions to our mission. The family’s commitment began when Kai Tazioli Leamer, passed away from breast cancer in 2002. Now her family honors her legacy with a fund established in her memory. That fund supports our Teen Writing Contest. High schoolers from around the country write about their experiences with cancer. Terry Tazioli accepted the award.
The Fashion Show
The highlight of the night, of course, was the fashion show. Our models took to the runway with poise, courage, and radiant energy. Our design and glam team styled them to showcase their personalities and individual journeys. Each model has faced cancer. Seeing them walk with such confidence and grace and a little bit of humor, was a powerful reminder of their resilience and courage. As they walked the runway, Cancer Pathways’ CEO, Michelle Millman, was onstage sharing their stories of strength and survival.
We heard about the woman who faced down three different cancers, a man diagnosed with prostate cancer whose younger brother received the same diagnosis just a few months later, a young girl who made it to her swim team practices even on the days she had chemo. Another woman who found her breast cancer herself, by checking her armpits! Her advice: “Check those ‘pits, ladies.”
Why do these stories resonate? – because we all know someone with cancer.
Through the generosity of our guests and sponsors, we raised more than $550,000—funds that will go directly toward Cancer Pathways programs. Surviving with Style is our signature fundraiser and it is more than a celebration of fashion; it is a celebration of life, community, and the Cancer Pathways mission, that no one should face cancer alone.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who attended and to everyone who supported the gala. We had incredible sponsors, our design team hit it out of the park. And of course, our auctioneer Matt Lorch, who has been with us for the last 8 years, turned up with his trademark boundless enthusiasm – revving up an audience that was ready to bid.
Your contributions make a lasting impact, helping us continue our mission of providing resources and support to those affected by cancer.
We can’t wait to see you all next year for another unforgettable event!