Quit Tobacco Support

Are you ready to stop using tobacco products?

We’re here to help! We understand that quitting is hard work and sometimes taking the first step to quit can be even harder. Wherever you’re at in your quit journey, Cancer Pathways is here to support and guide you in a judgement-free space.

We offer tobacco cessation/quit workshops and support for both teens and adults who use tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, vapes, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc. Learn more about our quitting opportunities below:

For Adults

Group Support

Our free Quit Tobacco Workshops are the perfect opportunity for adults who are looking to quit in a group format – giving and receiving support from others. We use the American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking curriculum, which is an 8-session, 7-week program that provides helpful tools, resources, and social support so that your quit attempt becomes a success. Sessions build on the prior week, so those who register are expected to attend all 8 sessions.

Quit Tobacco Workshops are offered virtually via Zoom three times per year, in the winter (January/February), summer (June/July/August), and fall (October/November). Each participant will receive a Quit Kit in the mail.

Registration is open for our next workshop:
January 8 – February 12th
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?

You will meet virtually (via Zoom) with a small group of others who are also working on stopping their tobacco use. The program is 7-weeks with 8 sessions and is led by American Lung Association certified facilitator’s.

We work up to quit day (session #4) through the first three sessions, so no worries if you’re not quite ready – we can help you get there. 

What will I learn?

Over the course of the workshop, you will learn:

    • Why you smoke/vape/chew and what motivates you to want to quit
    • Medicines that can help you stop
    • Lifestyle changes that make quitting easier
    • Preparing for Quit Day
    • Coping strategies
    • Managing stress
    • Avoiding weight gain
    • Developing a new self-image
    • How to stay smoke-free for good
How much does it cost and what will I get?

We offer our workshops FREE to the community and there’s a lot included!  After registering and attending, you will receive:

    • A hard-copy participant workbook and recorded relaxation exercises ($25 value)
    • A Cancer Pathways ‘Quit Kit’ ($25 value)
    • Educational tools and resources
    • Peer support from individuals going through the same experience
    • Hard-copy certificate for workshop completion and quitting
    • Access to post-workshop support and Facebook accountability group

In addition:

    • Healthier brain, lungs, heart, and body!
    • Nicotine-free lifestyle
    • $$$ saved, and so much more!
What if I'm nervous about quitting or not quite ready?

That’s perfectly okay and to be expected! You’re still welcome and encouraged to join. Quit Day isn’t until Week 4, so there’s plenty of time to work through those nerves and any concerns you may have.

How successful is the program?

When used in combination with cessation medication(s), up to 60% of Freedom From Smoking participants reported having quit by the end of the program

What if I can't make those dates and times?

1. Please reach out and let us know! We would be happy to put you on our list to reach out to once the next workshop is scheduled. *We offer 3 workshops per year (winter – January/February; summer – May/June; and fall – September/October)

2. Check out the additional resources listed below to get started on your quit.

3. Email [email protected] if you’re intererested in a self-guided quit workbook. 


If you prefer quitting at your own pace, we have self-help guides available that we can mail to you free of charge. ‘The Guide to Help You Quit Smoking’ also uses the American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking curriculum. Please email [email protected] to inquire about a self-help guide.

For Teens

Group Support

We are now offering free in-person ‘Quit the Nic’ Workshops for teens who vape, smoke, or use any other tobacco product in Washington State and Georgia. We use the American Lung Association’s Not On Tobacco curriculum, which is a 10 session, 9-week program that provides helpful tools, resources, and social support so that teens can end their dependence to nicotine. Sessions build on the prior week, so those who register are expected to attend all 10 sessions.

Interested in bringing a Quit the Nic workshop to your school or community? Please email [email protected]

Intervention Workshop

Our facilitators are also trained to offer the INDEPTH program for youth and teens who have violated a campus tobacco-free policy. INDEPTH is a 4 session alternative to suspension or citation program that teaches students about nicotine dependence and how to find healthy alternatives.

Are you a parent, educator, or administrator interested in bringing INDEPTH to your school or community? If so, please email [email protected] to get started.

Get the Facts about Tobacco and Vaping

Cancer Pathways’ Cancer Happens program is an empowering, risk-reduction curriculum. We offer Cancer Happens in two formats:

  • Live Presentation: 45-50 minutes; presented in-person or virtually by our trained health educators
  • Online: two free eLearning courses (Cancer Happens and E-cigarettes and Vapes), lesson plans, and activities

Quotes from Prior Participants

“Great resource to aid in my mission to quit smoking. I think the accountability aspect of it was the most helpful part for me.”


“Jana and Lauren are SO WONDERFUL. I can’t speak highly enough about their knowledge and guidance. It was great to have a small group to work with weekly who held each other accountable.


“I think the program is awesome and I know I would not have quit smoking without all the support this program provided.”


“Very fun and informative. This has to be the best information we’ve received on quitting smoking. Now we understand why all the doctors recommended a smoking cessation class.”



Additional Resources and Support

Contact Information

Jana Mastrogiovanni
[email protected]